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JWU Competitive Advantage in Organization the Strategic Analysis of Apple Essay

Question Description


This interdisciplinary capstone core course focuses on how to create, identify and managecompetitive advantage within an organization. Each student will be required to prepare aprofessional report that provides a detailed and thorough strategic analysis of a corporationchosen by the student. The term professional means that it is well written, well sourced andanalytical.

The report will be graded on its effective use of strategic management concepts and shallconstitute thirty percent (30%) of a student’s final grade. The purpose of the assignment is toprovide the student the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the process ofstrategy development and analysis, rather than complete a detailed task list for the assignment.The strategic plan analysis should be no more than thirty (30) pages.


The strategic plan analysis structure is outlined below and shall include the following:

  1. Executive Summarya. Industry – history/description;
    b. Leading Companies in the Industry (2) – their history/background; strategicleadership, vision, mission;
    c. Your Company – brief description, history, position in industry.
  2. External Environment Analysis
    1. General Environment – Trends/Factors of Technology, Demographic, Economic,Political/Legal, Socio-cultural and Global;
    2. Industry Environment – For example, Porter’ Five Force or a Strategic GroupMap;
    3. Competitor Environment – Future Objectives, Current Strategies, Assumptions,Capabilities.
    4. Include within the external environment analysis Driving Forces and Key SuccessFactors.

College of Online EducationJohnson & Wales University

  1. Internal Environment Analysis
    1. The Organization’s Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, DistinctiveCompetencies (or Competitive Advantages: determine using the Four CriteriaTest), and Supply and Distribution Chains should be addressed.
    2. Financials – Key business financial strength statistics (e.g. liquidity); identify anysignificant trends (5 year; include competitor figures where relevant).
    3. Note: The concepts of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats shouldbe addressed somewhere in the paper, but not necessarily as a SWOT chart.
  2. Strategic Analysis
    1. Identify and assess the current competitive strategy of the organization and theconditions that created that strategy (internal and/or external).
    2. Identify any changes in strategy that the organization has experienced (includingany changes in the scope of operations, vertical or horizontal expansion, andapproach to the global economy).
  3. Final Report Analysis
    1. Key Result Areas (select and describe 8 key items from the SWOT to bestrategically addressed)
    2. Strategies
    3. Decision Criteria (evidence that supports the strategies, e.g. core competencies,pro forma)
    4. Balanced Scorecard
    5. Conclusions
    6. Recommendations (You will also be asked to provide a 5 minute self-recordedvideo presentation of these recommendations)
  4. References
  5. Appendices
    a. Financial statementsb. Visuals

College of Online EducationJohnson & Wales University


Note: This is not a “to-do” list. These are areas and concepts discussed in the course that willhave an impact on the business strategy. These concepts (if not these specific formats) shouldbe addressed somewhere in your analysis.

  • The Macro-Environment
  • The Five Forces Model of Competition
  • Strategic Group Map
  • Industry “Entry Barriers” assessment (as they impact your business)
  • Internal Analysis (tangible and intangible resources, capabilities, core competencies,distinctive competence, criteria test)
  • Relevant Key Financial Ratios (Table 4.1)
  • The Basic Value Chain
  • Issues surrounding business ethics; identify areas of socially responsible behaviorIn ulearn under “Library Resources,” you can find helpful sites for public companiesGENERAL REQUIREMENTS:
    • Paper should be no longer than 30 pages in length
    • Ensure professional presentation with proper spelling, grammar, etc.
    • Must have proper in-text citations and reference pageo Failure to provide this will result in a grade of zero
    • Include page numbers
    • Include a cover page or paper header

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