Harvard University Rhetorical Elements Source Conversation Script Discusison
Question Description
my first approved source is: Management Information Systems 3.Molitor, D., Spann, M., Ghose, A., & Reichhart, P. (2020). Effectiveness of Location-Based Advertising and the Impact of Interface Design. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(2), 431-456. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07421… for the 2nd Look in the references of Source 1 for an additional source, especially as its so current.
Overview: In this assignment, you are invited to create a script of a conversationbetween your two articles authors about one or more key ideas of your research topic.You and a classmate (random because its whomever is in the same conference day andENGH 302 (Rickless, Fall 2020)time!) will perform a reading of your script. You will play both the narrator and one ofthe authors. The other person will play the other author.
Purpose: To write a conversation, you need to be very familiar with what each articleis saying. Your script is meant to show that you know your sources and how they relateto each other. In large part, then, this is an exercise to help you practice finding therhetorical elements of a scholarly article and then synthesizing those texts (in otherwords, putting them into conversation with each other).
Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced (does NOT include narrators introduction,references at end, or student/class info).
Setting/Narrator: The setting is some kind of event (your choice) where the narrator(you) introduces the two authors to each other and tells them they have something incommon (youll want to specify what that something is). The narrators only job is tointroduce the authors to each other (so youll want to know who they are/theiraffiliation) and send them on their way at the end of the event.
What will the conversation be about?In order to write a conversation, you will need to identify all the rhetorical elements ineach source. To help with this, complete a source summary in your Working ResearchPlan for each of the sources. To organize your script, think about:- Where do your sources clearly agree and where is their agreement morenuanced?- Where do they discuss similar concepts, themes, or ideas?- Where do they clearly disagree and where is their disagreement more nuanced?- What is each project adding to the research in the field or about the keyconcepts?- How might they each talk to each other about their exigence, purpose,relevance, and implications?
Citations and ReferencesYou do not need to include any in-text citations, unless that is helpful to you. Youshould include a References section at the end that includes both sources.
FormattingAs this is a script, it should be written (very generally) like a script. Character Name: When a character speaks, write the character’s last namefollowed by a colon, followed by what the character says. Do not use quotationmarks. Whenever a new character speaks, start a new line. You do not need to indicate the place, setting, time of day, or other details in thescript. However, you may indicate emotions or behavior if you wish (such aslaughing, yelling, etc.). These will function as directions for the performers. Putall directions in parentheses.ENGH 302 (Rickless, Fall 2020)
Panic Points
Q: What if there is more than one author?
A: Use the lead/first authors last name as the character name.
Q: What should I call myself?
A: Call yourself the narrator. You will have an introductory paragraph and a closingparagraph. You will be playing both the narrator and one of the characters.
Q: Does this have to be in a serious academic tone?
A: No! (although thats fine too). If you want them to yell or laugh, thats fine! Justmake sure that the audience gets the point that they are basically eavesdropping on aconversation between two people who are interested in the same thing. Feel free to getinto character with voice, props, etc., although this is optional. Nevertheless, when youdo the reading, try to get beyond a simple monotone and act out a real conversation.
Q: Do I have to memorize the script?
A: No! Both you and your partner will read your script. MAKE SURE YOU UPLOADEDYOUR DOCUMENT TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD.
Q: How long will the performance last?
A: The script read out loud should take about 5 minutes, but its okay to go over by aminute or so.
Q: Do you have any examples of what this should look like?
A: Yes! You will find many examples in the Assignment Prompts folder on BB.
Q: What articles am I using?
A: You should have three articles (maybe more) in your Working Research Plan (Part4a). Pick two of those.
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