Embry Riddle AU Airport Airside Information Systems Dashboard Project
Question Description
Here is all of the info:
Please read through all sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.
In this module, you will continue in the same airport informationsystem project scenario that began in Module 1. To refresh your memory,please review your submissions in Module 1 and Module 2.
Digital dashboards are dynamic Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolsthat can present data and metrics in real-time to decision-making users of information systems. Digital dashboards enable managers to viewdisparate data simultaneously. An example of a digital dashboard thatmight be utilized by an airport’s Operations Department personnel is adigital screen that simultaneously presents one or more live video feedsintermixed with spreadsheet or table data, charts, etc.
In this Module 3 activity, you will create a mockup of ahypothetical, customized digital dashboard that the airport’s OperationsDepartment personnel could utilize for airport airside operationsdecision-making and aircraft and vehicle ramp position monitoringpurposes. There are two purposes for engaging in this activity, thefirst being to conduct research on and explore the different types ofdigital dashboards that are presented in various vendors’ informationsystems solutions. The second purpose is to ‘take a break’ from themundane composition-type of assignment activities and to engage in somecreative ‘fun.’
You will utilize Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Wordto construct your mockup of a digital dashboard. You will be requiredto use your imagination and charting skillsets to organize a video feedand sets of analytical data into one viewable screen as you craft yourdigital dashboard deliverable.
To receive a high-level grade in this project assignment, you mustput forth a considerable amount of time and effort. You will be gradedon the quality of the digital dashboard and the fulfillment of therequirements stated in the Requirements tab that follows.
Conduct further research on digital dashboards that are utilized in airport information systems. Follow these steps:
- Survey the data presented on the Module 3 Readings and Resources page to collect your data. You may use the ERAU Hunt Library EAGLEsearch tool (Links to an external site.) and Subject Guides, (Links to an external site.) as well as the Internet to obtain any additional material you might need.
- Seek diagrams, pictures, and illustrations of digital dashboardsthat are utilized by airport management from vendors’ websites and otherinformational materials.
- Construct a hypothetical mockup of a three-part digital dashboard similar to those that were observed in the research process.
- Construct the digital dashboard mockup using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel .
- Open a new Microsoft Word document.
- Select Layout / Orientation / Landscape on the Microsoft Word toolbar.
- Present three (3) data sets on one (1) 8.5 x 11 page.
- Select Columns / One in the dropdown list on the Microsoft Word toolbar.
- For data set #1, embed a hypothetical “live” video feed (for thepurposes of this assignment, you will use a static image) of an airportsecurity area in the top half of the document page.
- Search the Internet and find a JPEG image of an aircraft on an airport tarmac or at a gate.
- Copy and paste the image on the top half of the Microsoft Word document.
- Title the image as Airport South Terminal Tarmac.
- For data set #2, embed a Microsoft Excel worksheet on a bottom quarter of the document page.
- Create the worksheet as follows:
- Title the worksheet as Airport Gate Assignments
- Create the data in a size 12 font.
- Center-justify the data in all cells.
- Select All Borders for all cells.
- Row 1: Merge cells A1, B1, and C1 and input the worksheet title.
- Row 2: Label Columns 1, 2, and 3 as follows: Gate Number; Flight Number, Aircraft Number.
- Rows 3 through 8: List data in the columns for six (6) different gate numbers, six (6) different flight numbers, and six (6) different aircraft side numbers,
- Create the worksheet as follows:
- For data set #3, embed a Column chart on the other bottom quarter of the document page.
- Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Delete Columns C and D.
- Enter “Hour” in Column A, Row 1.
- Format the cells in Column A, Rows 2-14 by selecting Custom in the dropdown list and setting “0000” as the Custom value.
- Input “0600” – “1800” in the cells in Column A, Rows 2-14.
- Enter “Projected Aircraft Arrivals Per Hour” in Column B, Row 1.
- Format the cells in Column B, Rows 2-14 by selecting Number with no decimal places in the dropdown list.
- Input random single-digit whole numbers ranging from“1” to “10” in Column B, Rows 2-14.
- Highlight the cells in Columns A and B, Rows 1-14.
- Select a Column chart type from the Chart selection area in the Insert tab on the Microsoft Word toolbar.
- Replace the default Excel data (that opens up in addition to thechart) with the previously-highlighted Excel data by pasting thehighlighted data over the default data.
- Select the Plus (+) icon that pops up at the right side of the chart when you select (left-click) the chart.
- Select Axes.
- Select Axis Titles.
- Label the X- Axis as Aircraft Arrivals.
- Label the Y- Axis as Hour.
- Select Data Labels.
- Deselect Legend
- Left-click anywhere outside of the chart to finish the chart.
- Right-click on the top-left corner of the chart, select Copy, and then right-click on the Microsoft Word document and select Paste to paste the chart data in the remaining bottom quarter.
- Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Be sure to adjust the height and width of each of the three data sets to fit evenly and completely fill up the document page.
MGMT 494 Assignment 3.3 Digital Dashboard Project Rubric
MGMT 494 Assignment 3.3 Digital Dashboard Project Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Sets Provision
50.0 ptsExcellent – ALL THREE data sets were provided. |
35.0ptsSatisfactory – TWO data sets were provided. |
0.0ptsFailing – A minimum of TWO data sets were NOT provided. |
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle & Mechanics
25.0ptsExcellent- The dashboard was presented on ONE page AND in an 8.5 x 11 sizelandscape orientation AND the data sets were presented in the properlocation. |
22.0ptsVeryGood – The dashboard was presented on ONE page AND in an 8.5 x 11 sizelandscape orientation OR the data sets were presented in the properlocation. |
19.0ptsSatisfactory- The dashboard was presented on ONE page OR in an 8.5 x 11 sizelandscape orientation AND the data sets were presented in the properlocation. |
16.0ptsNearFailing – The dashboard was presented on ONE page OR in an 8.5 x 11size landscape orientation OR the data sets were presented in the properlocation. |
0.0ptsFailing- The dashboard was NOT presented on ONE page OR in an 8.5 x 11 sizelandscape orientation OR the data sets were presented in the properlocation. |
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Dashboard Format
25.0ptsExcellent – The data in the data sets were formatted with NO errors. |
22.0ptsVery Good – The data in the data sets were formatted with 3 to 5 errors. |
19.0ptsSatisfactory – The data in the data sets were formatted with 6 to 8 errors. |
16.0ptsNear Failing – The data in the data sets were formatted with 9 errors. |
0.0ptsFailing – The data in the data sets were formatted with MORE THAN 9 errors. |
25.0 pts
Total Points:100.0
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