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CSU Advanced Degrees and How They Are Handled in A Divorce Research Paper

Question Description

The topic is advanced degrees and how they are handled in a divorce.

You are required to submit an 8-10 page research paper, double spaced.

1.Write an introduction, which clearly identifies the topic of yourreport and the issues, which you seek to illuminate. The introductionshould include you clear and strong thesis statement and a verypreliminary overview of the evidence you will use to support it.Finally, the introduction should include a statement that identifieswhat your paper contributes to our understanding of Property Law (inother words, why is the topic of your report important?).

2.The body of your report should be dedicated to defending your thesisstatement with your research (into what others have written on thetopic; data that you have gathered), readings from the course text,forums, and/or case law, interviews, law review articles. Please citeyour references using with the Bluebook or APA. Please include at least 5references to support the thesis of your paper.

3. Conclude your report by recapitulating your thesis and explaining ingreater detail the significance of your findings. If you would like,include in your conclusion some questions or claims about the topicand/or specific which you’ve written. If you believe more research needsto be done on your topic, be specific about what kind of research andhow you think it ought to be done.

Recommend that you proof read your paper several times to ensure thatyou have no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors and to ensure thatyour paper flows well and is organized.

Note 1: For your research paper you will be graded using aRubric. This will help with your understanding of what constitutes thegrade assigned to your paper. A copy of the Rubric can be found linkedto this assignment. You may wish to print it and look at itwhile preparing your work.

Note 2: Your research paper will be submitted to automatically.

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