Central Michigan University Mass Media Censorship and Talk Radio Discussion
Question Description
Please participate in the discussion in a meaningful manner. Add insights to the discussion. Take an approach to the analysis that hasn’t been posted. Simply writing that you agree with another post is not worthy of points. You must add to the discussion to gain points.
The discussion points are cumulative and result in a large percentage of your course grade. You must participate in order to do well in this class.
Considering that talk radio is now one of the most popular formats, discuss the following questions: Do you listen to talk radio? Why? Should talk-radio hosts be able to say anything they want on the radio? Is it important to air all potential issues over the airwaves, even if those issues might upset some listeners? Are radio talk shows just silly sideshows of extreme views and shocking behavior, or do they appeal to listeners in unique and significant ways? Do all potential topics contribute to democracy? What kinds of things shouldnt be said or discussed on the radio? Consider the effect of the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine on the diversity of voices on talk radio, and consequently, on political discourse in the United States.
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