AUS Solving Tile 8 Puzzle Using a Star Search Algorithm & Uniform Cost Search Code
Question Description
I am writing an algorithm to solve the 8 puzzle.
I have a sample code, but don’t know how to elaborate on to make it work.
It should solve it using Uniform Cost Search, A* with the misplaced tiles heuristic, and A* with the total Manhattan distance heuristic. I need to create initial states of varying difficulty: either take a solution and add a certain number of random moves to it, or take a random state and make sure to get the difficulty level from one the optimal solution. The implementation should also solve the general N x N tile problem.
class PuzzleState: def __init__(self, matrix=None, goal=False, init=False, size=3): ## ** add code that generates puzzle states of varying difficulty self.size = size if not matrix is None: ## 0 represents empty spot self.matrix = matrix else: ## defining init or goal state ## this is too hard for the benchmark, change this! ## *** Your code here *** permutation = np.array(range(size*size)) if init: random.shuffle(permutation) self.matrix = permutation.reshape((size, size)) def successors(self): pass ## *** Your code here *** ## return a list of successors ## each successor is a tuple of ## 1. a string, describing the action, ## 2. action cost (here 1), ## 3. and the new state def __hash__(self): pass ## return a hash code, if you have a matrix, you can uncomment this: #return hash(tuple(self.matrix.flatten())) def __eq__(self, other): pass ## this function defines equality between objects, if you have a matrix, you can uncomment this: ##return np.alltrue(other.matrix == self.matrix)class PuzzleProblem: def __init__(self, size=3): #size 3 means 3x3 field self.size = size self.initial = PuzzleState(init=True, size=size) ## init state is shuffled self.goal = PuzzleState(goal=True, size=size) ## goal state is unshuffled def successors(self, state): return state.successors() ## Successors can be "outsourced", you can also calculate successor states here def goal_test(self, state): # *** your code here *** return False ## change this as appropriate!!class Node: def __init__(self, state=None, parent=None, action=None, path_cost=0): self.state = state self.parent = parent self.action = action self.path_cost = path_cost def getPath(self): """getting the path of parents up to the root""" currentNode = self path = [self] while currentNode.parent: ## stops when parent is None, ie root path.append(currentNode.parent) currentNode = currentNode.parent path.reverse() #from root to this node return path def expand(self, problem): successors = problem.successors(self.state) return [Node(newState, self, action, self.path_cost+cost) for (action, cost, newState) in successors] def __gt__(self, other): ## needed for tie breaks in priority queues return True def __repr__(self): return (self.state, self.action, self.path_cost) class FIFO: def __init__(self): self.list = [] def push(self, item): self.list.insert(0, item) def pop(self): return self.list.pop()class LIFO: ## fill out yourself! def __init__(self): pass def push(self, item): pass def pop(self): passclass PriorityQueue: def __init__(self, f): self.list = [] self.f = f def push(self, item): priority = self.f(item) bisect.insort(self.list, (priority, random.random(), item)) def pop(self): return self.list.pop(0)[-1] def graph_search(problem, frontier): """Search through the successors of a problem to find a goal. The argument frontier should be an empty queue.""" closed = set() ## sets can store hashable objects, thats why we need to define a hash code for states frontier.push(Node(problem.initial)) explorationHistory = [] while frontier: node = frontier.pop() explorationHistory.append(node) if problem.goal_test(node.state): return node, explorationHistory if node.state not in closed: closed.add(node.state) successors = node.expand(problem) for snode in successors: frontier.push(snode)def tree_search(problem, frontier): frontier.push(Node(problem.initial)) while frontier: node = frontier.pop() if problem.goal_test(node.state): return node successors = node.expand(problem) for snode in successors: frontier.push(snode) def breadth_first_graph_search(problem): return graph_search(problem, FIFO())def depth_first_graph_search(problem): return graph_search(problem, LIFO())def astar_graph_search(problem, f): return graph_search(problem, PriorityQueue(f))
Some of this code is already used to solve graph search for Map of Romania problem. The code for Romania problem is complete and works fine. I can provide the full .py file which contain both problems for you to see how it works on the other problem.
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