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Art 101 Wichita State Organization Oil on Canvas by Arshile Gorky Art Appreciation

Question Description

Part 1– Research all of the artists on the list located at the end of these instructions. A Google imagesearch is fine. You should then choose one of those artists to research further and find a bookon their work via the library. Make sure to choose a book that has nice big images. UseInterlibrary Loan if needed. That artist will serve as your inspiration for this assignment, and itshould be someone whose work you were not familiar with before this class – in other words, anew discovery.Note: If there are no books available on your artist, you may use the internet to research theirwork. However, there are factors that should be considered when finding images from theinternet. First, you must find an image that is clear and is high-resolution. The larger andcrisper the image, the easier it will be to analyze the artwork. Second, you must researchfurther to confirm that the artwork is actually by the artist. There are many fake or alteredimages of artworks on the internet. A good rule of thumb is to find an image from the artist’sown website, if they have one. Third, you want to make sure that the image is an accuraterepresentation of the artwork – that the colors, lighting, and details are accurate.– Choose a work of art by your chosen artist that you like. The artwork can be of any subject,style, period, or medium. Examples: landscape, portrait, figurative, abstract, painting, drawing,printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, digital, etc. Document the chosen artwork by scanning it in (iffrom a book), photographing it (if viewed from life), or downloading the image (see the noteabove). Save that file. Write down the title, medium/media, date of creation, size, and artist’sname. Compile this information and your image into a Microsoft Word .docx file. Format yourdocument like the example project in Blackboard. Submit your .docx file with your chosenartist, chosen artwork information (title, medium, date of creation, dimensions), and theimage of that chosen artwork via Blackboard by the due date. Make sure that your nameis on your assignment.

Part 2– Identify the elements of form and principles of design utilized in the chosen work of art. Whattypes of lines, shapes, colors, textures, patterns did the artist use? Is there a background?Describe them. Then, try to identify the steps the artist took to create the artwork. What didshe/he do first? Next? Analyze the artwork and imagine, in detail, how the artist would create it.Try to get inside the mind of the artist.– Develop preparatory sketches for an artwork that you will create in Part 3. Three (3) differentpreparatory sketches must be completed. In the preparatory sketches, work out 3 differentideas for your final artwork. Think of these preparatory sketches as a brainstorming exercise inwhich you come up with ideas for your artwork and sketch them. Make sure that you come upwith 3 different possible ideas for your artwork. Your preparatory sketches should convey those3 different ideas. This is not a copy project. You will not be making copies of your chosenartwork from Part 1. You choose your own subject matter and imagery, but the artworkyou complete in Part 3 must be done in the same manner and style as your chosen workof art from Step 2. The idea is to create your own artwork that synthesizes the approach andstyle of your chosen artist/artwork. You may complete your preparatory sketches using anymedium — pencil on paper is fine, but please note that the artwork you create in Part 3 shouldbe a more developed work in which you use the same medium or a similar medium as the Part1 chosen artwork. You will need to scan in your preparatory sketches or take good, highquality, crisp photos of them. Like all photos/scans of your work for this class, they should beclear, crisp, well-lit, evenly lit, and should be free of any cast shadows over your sketches.Images that do not meet the requirements will have points deducted. Add your images to theend of the Microsoft Word .docx file you submitted for Part 1, thereby submitting both Parts 1and 2 in one document. Format your document like the example project in Blackboard. Submitthat .docx file containing Part 1 of the project as well as Part 2 in Blackboard by the duedate.

Part 3– Using the ideas you came up with in your preparatory sketches, create your own fullydeveloped, original, complete work of art. It is highly recommended that you use the samematerials that your chosen artist used to create their artwork. However, you may use whatevermaterials you have on hand. The main goal is to mimic your chosen artist’s/artwork’s style –the way that they depicted the subject — the types of lines, shapes, textures, values, colors theyused to create the imagery. It is easier to achieve this if you use the same materials that theydid, but you can also achieve that using other materials. Just keep that style goal in mind asyou are creating your artwork. You might first practice with the materials you have on a scrappiece of paper to try to achieve the same textures as there are in your chosen artwork.For your final artwork, you can use the ideas from your preparatory sketches, but you should notuse one of the actual sketches and work on top of it. Your final artwork should be a new,separate work. In the end you should have the three preparatory sketches and a final artwork –four total works, rather than two preparatory sketches and one preparatory sketch that youcontinued to work on top of for the final artwork, resulting in only 3 total works in the end.-It must be a complete, fully developed work of art. You must spend a considerableamount of time creating the artwork. The amount of time and effort you put into it willshow in the final artwork. It must have a title.-It must utilize the principles of design that your artist utilized in the chosen artwork.-It must be done in a style similar to that of your chosen artwork. However, it shouldnot be a copy of the chosen artwork.-It must contain your own imagery and subject matter. For example, if the chosenartwork is Mary Cassatt’s Mother and Child XI from the Wichita Art Museum, the style isimpressionism and the subject matter is a mother and child. The work of art that youcreate could be of a parent and child that you choose in a pose that you choose andshould be impressionistic. OR it could be a completely different subject, but the styleshould remain the same as your chosen artwork.– You will need to scan in your final artwork or take a good, high-quality, crisp photo of it. Likeall photos/scans of your work for this class, it should be clear, crisp, well-lit, evenly lit, andshould be free of any cast shadows over your artwork. Images that do not meet therequirements will have points deducted. Indicate the title and dimensions of your artwork. Addthe image of your final artwork and the artwork information to the end of the Microsoft Word.docx file that also contains Parts 1 and 2 of the project. Submit that .docx file via Blackboardby the due date.November 7, 2020 Submit Parts 1, 2, and 3 (together in one document as indicated inthe instructions above) of your project as a Microsoft Word .docxfile using the corresponding assignment link in Blackboard.

List of Artists

John Singer Sargent Lamar Peterson Juliette AristidesMary Cassatt Peter Paul Rubens Kehinde WileyShepard Fairey Mary Sauer George GroszLeon Golub Andrew Wyeth Sadie ValeriNancy Spero Barry McGee Bo BartlettJose Manuel Capuletti Eric White George CondoAnselm Keifer Alice X. Zhang Arshile GorkyJames Ensor Devin Cecil Allison SchulnikDavid Jon Kassan Patrick Onyekwere Edward HopperLucian Freud Anthony Ryder Georges SeuratShahzia Sikander Julie Mehretu Cesar SantosDavid Hockney Nicole Eisenman Brad KunkleEric Fischl Jeremy Lipking Casey BaughFrida Khalo Maria Kreyn Karen OffuttPhillip Guston Alex Grey Dean CornwellEdgar Degas Francis Bacon Luo Li RongRichard Diebenkorn Charlie Mackesy Antonio Lopez GarciaHokusai Odd Nerdrum Dana SchutzHenri Matisse Michael Newberry Francis BaconElizabeth Zanzinger Hiroshi Sugimoto Max BeckmannFrancis Bacon Jenny Morgan Leonard BaskinMichelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio

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