Arizona State University jQuery CSS Toggler Web Page Project
Question Description
In this assignment you will use jQuery to toggle between 2 CSS stylethemes for your web page. The goal is to see how dramatically differentyou can make the same HTML using CSS. The style theme should besomething in opposition to each other like night/day, hot/cold,Playstation/Xbox, or desert/ocean.
- Use an external CSS & JS file, no internal or inline styles & scripts
- Please comment your JS to break down your understanding of what is happening
- You can use a CDN link for your jQuery (Links to an external site.) library reference
- Create a web page that includes these HTML 5 semantic elements:
- <article>
- <aside>
- <figcaption>
- <figure>
- <footer>
- <header>
- <nav>
- <section>
- Your web page should have at least 3 images and they should all use the figure/fig caption elements
- All other content can be generated, but it would be more meaningful if you created content that meant something to you
- Create 2 completely different styles for your web page based on your theme but only apply one
- Font, color, spacing and layout should be intentional and not default for all other elements on the page
- Use classes for styling
- As always no CSS frameworks all custom creations from your original self
- Create a button that uses jQuery to toggle between the two styles for your web page
- Confirm that the code is properly indented & formatted.
- Validate your code, there should be no errors
- Save your files on your system in a folder called HW7EC
- Upload your folder and files to your ASU web space
- Submit your assignment using a link from your web host
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