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ACT College Arlington Immigration Problems and Their Solutions Discussion

Question Description

Choose one aspect of the immigration debate and discuss how you would solve that issue. Be sure to account for pros and cons of your “fix” and any costs that would have to be accounted for. Please spend only 1-2 sentences discussing what the problem is or any relevant background- the bulk of your paper needs to be spent on describing your solution and the pros and cons to the solution you’re proposing.

The following guidelines apply to all essay assignments: Each short essay must be at least one page long (12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced) not counting headings or citations. In other words, the text of your paper must be one page in length. Essays will be graded according to the quality of the response (is it on topic, well researched, well written). Students will be marked down for typographical/spelling/grammatical errors. All research should be cited in APA format. Students may not collaborate on essay assignments- each assignment is to be completed by the student, this includes sharing research information. Please also see the honor code and statement about plagiarism in this syllabus.

Careful:Credit will not be given for “fixing” things that are not actuallyproblems (e.g. If a student suggested fixing the ACA so illegalimmigrants couldn’t get benefits they would not get credit. Illegalimmigrants don’t qualify for any benefits under the ACA). Also, pleasenote, citizenship is not an aspect of the immigration debate except inthe limited question of whether there should be a path to citizenshipfor people who have entered illegally in the first place.

Careful 3: Policydeals with something that Congress or the President has the power tocontrol- not amendments to the Constitution. If what you have suggestedviolates the constitution (e.g. providing partial citizenship orencouraging racial profiling) you will not be given credit.

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